Moving Islands, Expanding Worlds: A Symposium on Race and Indigeneity in the Pacific

Moving Islands, Expanding Worlds: A Symposium on Race and Indigeneity in the Pacific

This is a student-created and -led symposium that emerged out of an interdisciplinary undergraduate course that traveled to Hawai‘i for a week-long field study in September 2017.

Join us for an amazing array of presentations on such topics as food sovereignty, Native women’s activism, alternatives to prisons, culturally relevant mathematics, and the circulation of mutton flaps (yes!) across the Pacific and much more. The projects will be presented in panels organized around the Pacific tenants of roots, routes, and pookaf.

Dinner will be served.

To read an article about this Fall 2017 course, Race and Indigeneity in the Pacific, taught by Professor Nitasha Sharma and Postdoctoral Fellow Hi‘ilei Hobart, visit

Sponsors: Asian American Studies, Weinberg College Office of Research, the Center for Native American and Indigenous Research (CNAIR), Global Indigenous Studies Working Group of the Buffett Institute, Department of English, and Kaplan Institute for the Humanities.