R: Intro to the Tidyverse

R: Intro to the Tidyverse

The tidyverse is a set of R packages designed to make data manipulation and analysis tasks easier and more consistent. Whether you’re brand new to R or have been using R for years, the tidyverse packages can help you improve your workflow. This workshop will build off of the R for Data Science book by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund. This is a two session workshop; participants are expected to attend both days. Workshop participants may also be interested in R: Visualization with ggplot2 to learn the ggplot2 package in more depth than what will be covered in this workshop.
Things you’ll learn in this workshop:

Visualize data with ggplot2
Import data with readr
Data manipulation with dplyr
Reshaping data with tidyr
Working with dates and text with lubridate and stringr
Repeat statistical tests and bootstrap with infer
Prerequisites: This workshop is suitable for beginners, but it’s recommended that you have experience with R at least at the level of the Introduction to R workshop.