I've Found the Haystack, Now What?: Getting Started with Learning Analytics

I've Found the Haystack, Now What?: Getting Started with Learning Analytics

Learning analytics has been broadly defined as using a variety of data about learners and learning environments to not only discover factors associated with student success but also provide feedback that can help learners in their courses. But instructors and academic technologists can face challenges in determining which data are most useful and how they can be used effectively in the instructional environment.

In this workshop, participants will learn about available sources of data in Canvas and other educational technology systems, see examples of how such data are applied in learning analytics interventions at the University of Iowa, and develop strategies for beginning to use learning analytics in their own courses. We will also devote time to addressing current questions that instructors have about using learning analytics in their teaching.

Van Horne is part of the TEACHxperts speaker series.

Samuel Van Horne is the Assessment Director at the University of Iowa. He has written about assessment in active learning classrooms, large lecture transformation, and learning analytics.

Learn more about Van Horne's work.