Training for Physics and Astronomy Teaching Assistants to run remote laboratories

Training for Physics and Astronomy Teaching Assistants to run remote laboratories

A one hour session teaching assistants running remote laboratories. Learning goals encompass Zoom functionality for instructor content sharing, and presentation, breakouts, student response, student sharing of work, use of a phone as document camera and iPad as writing tablet. Additional learning goals include easing student discomfort, creating norms for online interactions, and encouraging discussion and group work. 


Participants have a Northwestern Zoom account; have updated to version 4.6.7 of Zoom on their computer; have a working microphone and camera and have tested them; for Zoom information, see the NUIT page here. 
Participants have spent 10-15 minutes exploring Zoom. They can
Mute and unmute their microphone and video
Open and close chat and participant windows; 
Type in the chat window to everyone or to an individual 
Switch from Speaker view to Gallery view
Raise their hand; open the participant's window, choose yourself and raise your hand. 

** Please note, you will receive the Zoom link after registration.