Active Learning Strategies with Dr. Ray Schroeder

Active Learning Strategies with Dr. Ray Schroeder

This is a brownbag lunch session.

Have you been curious about active learning strategies? Would you like to reflect on how to move some materials outside class time to free up face-to-face time for more critical thinking, deeper learning, collaborative projects, and a more thorough immersion in the discipline?

Ray Schroeder will speak about active learning strategies. You'll learn about his research and also have an opportunity to apply these ideas to your teaching.

Schroeder is the first speaker in our TEACHxperts speaker series.

Ray Schroeder is Professor Emeritus, Associate Vice Chancellor for Online Learning at the University of Illinois Springfield and Director of the Center for Online Leadership at the University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA).

Each year, Schroeder publishes and presents nationally in online and technology-enhanced learning. Perhaps he is best known for his social media that includes daily tweets, Facebook, LinkedIn, and five daily blogs on various aspects of news, research, and trends in technology-enhanced learning in higher education.