Inclusive Teaching Practicum

Inclusive Teaching Practicum

The Inclusive Teaching Practicum is a three week program designed for instructors of all levels, backgrounds and teaching contexts. The Practicum is based on the university’s Inclusive Teaching Principles and weaves together interactive synchronous sessions, asynchronous learning activities, individual consultations, and opportunities to learn from experts and peers.

By participating in this three-week practicum, participants will:

-Develop a critical awareness of their own identities, positionality and assumptions and how those constructs have informed their practice as educators
-Interrogate what they privilege, highlight, ignore or silence in their course materials, activities and assessments
-Reflect on what they are doing to promote an affirming classroom climate and apply strategies for developing inclusive learning environments. 
-Recognize and be responsive to the ways that current events can impact students, their identities, and their learning
-Apply inclusive teaching principles to their specific course materials and contexts

The practicum will run during these dates:

•August 16-Sept 2, 2021 
•October 11-29, 2021
•November 1-19, 2021

The Practicum is a collaboration of the Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching, AccessibleNU, the Office of Equity, Social Justice Education, University Libraries, Academic Technologies, the Office of the Provost, the School of Professional Studies and the Inclusive STEM Teaching Project.