Media and Design Studio WWW/Digital Storytelling

Media and Design Studio WWW/Digital Storytelling

MADS World.Wine.Web.
Digital Storytelling: Breaking Through One Dark Wall

Classics professor Francesca Tataranni has pioneered numerous ways for students to engage with digital storytelling in the highly-regarded Ancient Rome in Chicago course. Students expand their literacies by creating engaging videos with narrative voice-over and collaborating to build an interactive map showcasing their completed projects. In addition, Professor Tataranni has embraced digital forms in her own scholarship, having worked with the Media and Design to produce a new video essay titled One Dark Wall, which revisits a forgotten feud concerning the painting of a mural—one whose interpretation of a classical story ignited a firestorm of controversy—in a library of Chicago's Lincoln Square neighborhood. 

To inaugurate an upcoming programming theme on the subject of digital storytelling, The Media and Design Studio invites Francesca to screen her most recent work, share more about the role of video essays in the cultural classroom, and to lead a discussion about how we can better scaffold digital storytelling projects for students and professors alike.

(This event is open to Faculty, Graduate Students, and Staff)