No-Tears Grading: Responding to Student Writing with Realistic Expectations

No-Tears Grading: Responding to Student Writing with Realistic Expectations

Responding to student writing can sometimes seem like a daunting task. We may feel like students won’t learn unless we provide a well-crafted comment for every bad argument, every comma splice, every generalization, incorrect fact, or head-scratching digression. On the other hand, we have a sneaking suspicion that students ignore our comments, so why spend dozens of hours writing feedback that students won’t understand or will never read? This workshop will teach participants strategies for setting clear expectations for feedback--both for themselves and for their students. We’ll go over how to communicate writing goals to your students, how to manage your own time, and how to write the feedback itself, whether through rubrics or through short responses.



Anne Boemler (English) 

Joel Harrison (Religious Studies)