Tool Time: Digital Whiteboard Tools

Tool Time: Digital Whiteboard Tools

Learn about tools that connect to Canvas to enhance teaching and engage students. This tools time event will show digital whiteboard tools Padlet and Miro. 

Tool Time introduces faculty to ed tech tools that can enhance student learning. Grouped by tool type or function, these events offer a quick overview of the tools, examples of the ways the tools can be used, and insights from a faculty member who has used one of the tools being presented. 

This Tool Time event will highlight two digital whiteboard tools: Padlet and Miro. Learn different ways faculty use these tools, including collaborative teamwork, as a Q&A or backchanneling forum, creating project maps or study guides, and individual portfolio building. 

By the end of this event, you will know: 
* Why you might use a digital whiteboard tool 
* How to use these tools in your Canvas course 
* Tips for successful student engagement with digital whiteboard tools